Welcome to MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite)
MARL allows you to explore the content of your Mastodon archive file in a user-friendly interface. Everything takes place in the browser: your archive stays strictly on your computer; none of its data is sent to any server.
You can request your Mastodon archive by logging into your account
on the web, then visiting "Preferences > Import and export >
Request your archive".
Please note: only ZIP files are supported (not
Start by opening your archive file with MARL.
You can drag and drop it anywhere on this page, or
posts - first
No results for the specified filters
No posts found in archive (?!)
Why are those two numbers different?
Posts that are not directly hosted on your instance are kept in a cache by your instance for a given time, after what they are deleted from that cache. Posts that are not in your instance cache any more are not included in your archive. This affects boosts, likes, and bookmarks.